Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The internet and it's effect on us

Overall this article is telling us about how Google is making us not as intellectually sound. Carr is telling us that all this quick information and this world of quick responses is actually making us machine like as he calls it. We aren’t able to sit down and read a long book with as much ease. We are in this fast and quick world where when you want something or need something the best way to go about doing it is the most efficient way. Carr talks about how the internet is making our thinking process altered to gather information real quick instead of actually analyzing and developing your own theory on the answers that are given. Carr talks about Socrates and how he thought the same thing when writing was becoming popular. Carr thinks very similar to Socrates but about computers completely taking over. He say’s we eventually will become machine like with brains smarter than our own. The mental habits for us as well have completely changed which Carr thinks to seem is a bad thing as we are becoming so fast paced expecting things to happen fast. Carr backs his article up with a study from Harvard, as well as frequent blogger about the internet Bruce Friedman. Carr also refers to various books talking about different topics that can relate to the computer like changes we are going through. Overall I believe the evidence is effective yet for me it doesn’t really make me think that by getting our information in a swift pace we are becoming not as intellectually sound. Although we may not be as adept to reading long novels we are getting our information in a very fast way making us even smarter through all the time we save and the overall ease of information in such a fast pace. The article I believe does a good job of answering the so what question in the final lines of the article as we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence.” The quote pretty much outlines his whole article and answers the question of “so what?” Overall Carr writes a creative article that is well thought out and has good sources but for me I just do not think this will be an issue with our generation getting information so fast. I think we are getting smarter through the use of fast and swift information.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Topic Proposal

I have chosen to do my essay on Jim Rome’s twitter. Jim Rome is a sports analyst who used to work on ESPN. He had his own show “Rome is Burning”. The TV was very popular and was among the evening schedule for the channel. Jim Rome tweets often and is more of a sports personality in the way he puts his opinion forward instead of fact. Rome has a very sarcastic personality, which is why he has so many critics. He is always questioning athletes and putting his opinion forth, which is why he became so popular throughout the show’s history. His account is a good representation of how he is controversial and is always getting criticized by fans yet he responds in a humorous way. I’m looking forward towards analyzing his account because it will be interesting to see the way he tweets fans and athletes.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My Social Media Tatoo

Social media has become the number one form of entertainment for most people. You get a chance to see how others react with others and how others react with you. The crazy thing about it all is anyone can see what your doing with your life and how your representing yourself. On social media I represent myself as someone who doesn’t post to many items because personally I don’t really care enough to put whats going on in my life on the internet unless its real interesting. I will like photos and favorite tweets but I’m not the person to post all the time. I am always on twitter though because it is pretty cool to see what everyone’s doing.
I decided to analyze my best friends past five tweets. He has a variety of tweets but he tweeted five times in one day. I really don’t understand the point in doing this especially because they’re all random tweets. One is about how he loves miley cyrus, the next is saying to add him on xbox, the one after that says how much he’s playing grand theft auto, song lyrics, and then he makes a funny tweet about his brother. Thinking of my friend all these tweets do kind of represent him in his own way because he is funny and loves video games while also loves to be controversial which he is doing by tweeting his love for miley cyrus. But it is also kind of strange cause he really isn’t that talkative but I get why he tweets that much because he’s one of the more outgoing people although he’s not that talkative.
While on social media I feel I definetly need to have a precense posting at least once in a while to let people know I am still online and active but I definetly don’t feel the need to uphold a certain identity on social media. I always feel pressured to censor myself in front of anyone because if you don’t you there are a ton of bad consequences for that so not just on social media but in general I’m always censoring what I say and thinking before acting.

If an employer handed me all that I definetly think I would still get the job because I make sure I am careful with what I put online and will never post anything stupid that could get me into real trouble. That’s the problem with a lot of people now days is I don’t think they are really checking to make sure there being careful with what they post and say online.