Monday, October 7, 2013

My Social Media Tatoo

Social media has become the number one form of entertainment for most people. You get a chance to see how others react with others and how others react with you. The crazy thing about it all is anyone can see what your doing with your life and how your representing yourself. On social media I represent myself as someone who doesn’t post to many items because personally I don’t really care enough to put whats going on in my life on the internet unless its real interesting. I will like photos and favorite tweets but I’m not the person to post all the time. I am always on twitter though because it is pretty cool to see what everyone’s doing.
I decided to analyze my best friends past five tweets. He has a variety of tweets but he tweeted five times in one day. I really don’t understand the point in doing this especially because they’re all random tweets. One is about how he loves miley cyrus, the next is saying to add him on xbox, the one after that says how much he’s playing grand theft auto, song lyrics, and then he makes a funny tweet about his brother. Thinking of my friend all these tweets do kind of represent him in his own way because he is funny and loves video games while also loves to be controversial which he is doing by tweeting his love for miley cyrus. But it is also kind of strange cause he really isn’t that talkative but I get why he tweets that much because he’s one of the more outgoing people although he’s not that talkative.
While on social media I feel I definetly need to have a precense posting at least once in a while to let people know I am still online and active but I definetly don’t feel the need to uphold a certain identity on social media. I always feel pressured to censor myself in front of anyone because if you don’t you there are a ton of bad consequences for that so not just on social media but in general I’m always censoring what I say and thinking before acting.

If an employer handed me all that I definetly think I would still get the job because I make sure I am careful with what I put online and will never post anything stupid that could get me into real trouble. That’s the problem with a lot of people now days is I don’t think they are really checking to make sure there being careful with what they post and say online.

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