Monday, November 11, 2013

Pencils to Pixels

In the article Pencils to Pixels Baron describes the computer as the gateway to literacy. I agree with this because as we keep advancing literacy is advancing too. Each step we take moving forward the way we communicate is right along side the technology. Writing is a technology because when it was first created it was an advanced form of communication completely revolutionizing the way we interact with one another. The pencil is a technology as well because it changed the way we write. They could now make mistakes and it wouldn’t leave a permanent mark, which was extremely beneficial to artists, and jobs that needed the pencil to make fixes. Baron is describing in this article how each new way of communicating with each other is adding on to the way we write. He describes the creation of writing, the pencil, the telephone, and now computers as a technology to literacy. In each form we are moving forward the way we think and write. Baron views this as a positive thing because with each new creation we are learning more and more. Baron explains that with each new technology at first we try to fight it and describe all the wrongs we see with it, but then when we look back we realize how essential each type of technology has helped us move forward.

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